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How to file for Reimbursement:


  • Go to  https://affordablecare.goonfleet.com/  打开这个网址
  • Submit a request by selecting "Submit Loss"    点击Submit Loss提出补损申请
  • Track your requests by selecting "My Losses"  找到你的损失,点击申请


Reimbursement Rules:

  • Submission into the reimbursement app is the only authorized source of alliance reimbursement.
  • 这个补损APP入口是联盟补损唯一授权的地方。
  • For strategic reimbursement, a jabber broadcast of the fleet is required. Not the fleet MOTD. Not an aD link. Not some essay you type to me. You can add additional clarifying information, but a jabber broadcast is the minimum.
  • 对于战略OP补损,是需要舰队JABBER广播的。不是舰队的MOTD,不是adashboard的LINK。不是一些随便敲打出来的词。你可以写一些自己的描述,但是JABBER的广播必须带着。
  • Goonswarm Federation losses are the only authorized losses. If the ship is not in Goonswarm Federation, you will not be reimbursed through this app.
  • 只会对goons的号的损失进行补损,不在goons的号不予补损。
  • Lossmails over 30 days old will be denied.
  • 超过30天的补损申请将被拒绝。
  • Please wait at least 7 days before contacting a member of the reimbursement team about your claim.
  • 请至少等待7天,然后再与补损团队的成员联系以索取您的补损。
  • if you have an issue with how your claim was handled, talk to the person who handled your claim first. Posting in this thread about it or jumping the chain directly to me without discussing it with the person who handled your claim will not generally be decided in your favor.
  • 如果你对得到的补损有任何的疑问,请首先与给你管理的补损官进行联系。
  • Excess abuse, gross incompetence, or other fuckery can result in you being placed under a reimbursement ban.
  • 过度的催促,严重的无能或其他疯狂行为可能会导致您被禁止补损。
  • If the alliance provides you a ship for free, do not submit it for reimbursement (the alliance doesn't pay for ships twice).
  • 如果联盟免费为您提供船只,请不要将其提交报销(联盟不会为船只支付两次费用)。
  • There are not currently any module bonuses active. All faction modules costs are baked into reimbursement payout and should be considered required where listed on the doctrine page.
  • 不对装备进行补损。所有势力的装备都包括在补损价格内了。
  • If you have not been on mumble and jabber within 5 days of the date on the lossmail, your claim will be denied.This applies to all reimbursement. This should have minimal impact on Strategic fleets, as you were on jabber to get the ping and on mumble during the fleet. This should mainly impact the anti-social too cool for school shitheels that just mooch off reimbursement without contributing to the community. Fuck those guys. One question that came up - what if you are deaf? The state of being deaf does not prohibit one from logging into mumble, whether or not you can hear anything.  This is enforced intermittently depending on if Manager is shitting itself or not (Thanks Bittey).
  • 如果你在损失发生时的5天内,没有登录mumble和jabber的记录,你的补损申请将被拒绝。


Edited by Silvitni
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大家都知道我们联盟是有战损补贴系统(SRP)的, 下面我来介绍一下这个系统简单的用法。


  • 在右上角用注册论坛的游戏ID和论坛密码登陆(用户名注意不是电子邮件是游戏ID比如silvitni)
  • 只要是按照联盟配置的船,能够补助的钱都可以在上方的View Payout查看
  • 这个是点进去之后的画面


  • 需要申请战损的话点开上方Submit Losses
  • 会出现这样的画面


  • 打开游戏内kb并点开左上角小格子


  • 点击Copy External Kill Link,得到第四部图片内需要的CREST Link


  • 复制你当时所在的ping,做法很多种,但是最好把发布时间也复制进去,可以去Jabber直接复制,adashboard也行。

adashboard:https://adashboard.info/ 需要自己用邮箱注册,并加api,这是一个查个人信息(主要用来查pap)的网站。

  • 一个完整ping的例子:
(11:20:59 PM) directorbot: Time to come knocking, we have some houses to blow down 
FC Name: Corbzila 
Fleet Name: FUCK Them 
Formup Location: EX6 
Reimbursement: Strategic 
Comms: Imperium Op 1 
Doctrine: Alpha Fleet (Boosters > Scimitar > Maelstrom / Rohk > Huginn > Lachesis > Interdictors > Else) 
~~~ This was a skirmishbot broadcast from sixx to all at 2017-01-04 07:20:56.665156 EVE ~~~
  • 都输入完成之后点submit就行了,不久之后就应该能收到钱啦。
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