Silvitni Posted March 13, 2024 Share Posted March 13, 2024 PLA SRP邮件列表恢复使用,开始补贴军团战损。 1.军团收割/反收割舰队 补损标准按照军团补贴标准补损。 必须有带队的人,所有想带队的人,包括想带收割和反收割的,请加入军团指挥部: 674767449。 2.社区黑丝小组舰队 SIG ping 使用联盟 Peacetime 船型,可以申请联盟 PCT SRP。 PCT 船型以外,军团补贴 截击 20M, 巡洋级别船体 25M。其余船型不补。发船的不补。 3.黑隐队 诱导小黑/隐侦 按照军团补贴标准补损。 CKX 出发的黑隐补贴 500M。 4.邪恶湾流 打击 宇宙魔药 补损标准按照军团补贴标准补损。 Solo/小队都可以。 5.军团驻地 移动观测站(反隐装置) 补损标准:60M 请注意,你需要在时间快结束前使用你的其他号给它打掉,生成一个KM,并把他发送至PLA SRP,下的号自己打掉是没有KM的。 6.军团驻地 隐身墩子悬赏 军团悬赏: 200M 军团驻地范围的隐身墩子,需要有隐秘行动的隐身蹲子,不必须有黑诱导。 拿到KM的小伙伴请发到PLA SRP邮件列表里,标题为小黑悬赏即可 在PLA SRP邮件列表申请,格式如下: 题目:军团舰队/黑丝小组/黑隐队/。。。 内容: 1. FC: Silvitni 2. KB:Kill: Silvitni (Tengu) 3. PING: [军团指挥部通知] 6666666 6-小洋: 反收割 FC Name:6666666 6 Formup Location:1DQ1-A PAP Type: Corp Comms:PLA kook op1 FC是谁,KB链接,以及舰队通知以上3项内容缺一不可,如果你只发送一个损船的连接, 没有其他信息, 特别是没有集结群的PING通知,你不会得到SRP 1. 军团舰队补损标准:按照军团补贴标准进行补损. 2. 温馨提示:联盟每月给每人有1B的SHIT STACK补损,别忘记去申请。 3. 未列出的 联盟/SIG/STR队不补,PVE不补,SOLO不补,SOLO的自己去申请联盟SHIT补损。 联盟赏金 赏金范围:Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass 赏金额度: 1. 50M 偷天钩的各种工业 The Alliance will be paying 50m per Squall, Deluge, Torrent, or other blockade runner, deep space transport, or hauler engaged in skyhook theft in Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass. 2. 50M 白诱导 侦察舰 The Alliance will be paying 50m per recon ship killmail (with regular cyno) posted in this thread with the final blow on recon ships in Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass. 3. 10M 工业/黑诱导 The Alliance will be paying 10m per industrial/covert (with industrial/covert cyno) ship posted in this thread to the individual with the final blow in Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass 4. 25M 绕点船 The Alliance will be paying 25m per entosis ship killmail posted in this thread with the final blow on ships in Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass. 5. 50M ESS防守击杀 The Alliance will be paying 50m per ESS defense killmail posted in this thread with the final blow on ships in Catch/Immensea/Tenerifis/Impass. 领取方式: 拿到KM的人去赏金帖子回复zkill链接,并说明要领取的赏金种类。 每个回复可以申请多个KM赏金。 KM时间必须在30天以内。 Link to comment
Silvitni Posted March 13, 2024 Author Share Posted March 13, 2024 (edited) Ship Name 军团补贴 1 Absolution 200,000,000 2 Astarte 200,000,000 3 Algos 10,000,000 4 Anathema 30,000,000 5 Arazu 100,000,000 6 Arbitrator 30,000,000 7 Ares 20,000,000 8 Ashimmu 50,000,000 9 Astero 50,000,000 10 Augoror 30,000,000 11 Augoror Navy Issue 55,000,000 12 Basilisk 150,000,000 13 Bellicose 35,000,000 14 Bifrost 60,000,000 15 Blackbird 30,000,000 16 Broadsword 110,000,000 17 Brutix 50,000,000 18 Brutix Navy Issue 170,000,000 19 Buzzard 30,000,000 20 Caldari Navy Hookbill 10,000,000 21 Caracal 25,000,000 22 Caracal Navy Issue 50,000,000 23 Catalyst 15,000,000 24 Catalyst Navy Issue 20,000,000 25 Celestis 30,000,000 26 Cerberus 150,000,000 27 Cheetah 30,000,000 28 Claw 20,000,000 29 Claymore 200,000,000 30 Coercer 5,000,000 31 Coercer Navy Issue 5,000,000 32 Confessor 50,000,000 33 Corax 15,000,000 34 Cormorant 5,000,000 35 Cormorant Navy Issue 20,000,000 36 Crow 20,000,000 37 Crucifier Navy Issue 20,000,000 38 Cruor 15,000,000 39 Crusader 20,000,000 40 Curse 100,000,000 41 Cyclone 50,000,000 42 Cyclone Fleet Issue 140,000,000 43 Cynabal 25,000,000 44 Damavik 50,000,000 45 Damnation 200,000,000 46 Daredevil 15,000,000 47 Deacon 25,000,000 48 Deimos 150,000,000 49 Devoter 200,000,000 50 Dragoon 10,000,000 51 Drake 50,000,000 52 Drake Navy Issue 150,000,000 53 Dramiel 15,000,000 54 Draugur 100,000,000 55 Drekavac 50,000,000 56 Eos 200,000,000 57 Eagle 150,000,000 58 Enforcer 50,000,000 59 Enyo 35,000,000 60 Eris 50,000,000 61 Exequror 30,000,000 62 Exequror Navy Issue 40,000,000 63 Falcon 100,000,000 64 Federation Navy Comet 20,000,000 65 Ferox 70,000,000 66 Ferox Navy Issue 150,000,000 67 Flycatcher 50,000,000 68 Garmur 25,000,000 69 Gila 15,000,000 70 Gnosis 50,000,000 71 Griffin Navy Issue 20,000,000 72 Guardian 100,000,000 73 Harbinger 50,000,000 74 Harbinger Navy Issue 150,000,000 75 Harpy 25,000,000 76 Hawk 20,000,000 77 Hecate 50,000,000 78 Helios 20,000,000 79 Heretic 50,000,000 80 Hound 50,000,000 81 Huginn 100,000,000 82 Hurricane 50,000,000 83 Hurricane Fleet Issue 170,000,000 84 Hyena 15,000,000 85 Ikitursa 50,000,000 86 Imperial Navy Slicer 20,000,000 87 Ishkur 35,000,000 88 Ishtar 200,000,000 89 Jackdaw 50,000,000 90 Jaguar 35,000,000 91 Keres 35,000,000 92 Kestrel 10,000,000 93 Kikimora 50,000,000 94 Kirin 45,000,000 95 Kitsune 10,000,000 96 Lachesis 100,000,000 97 Legion 200,000,000 98 Leshak 200,000,000 99 Loki 200,000,000 100 Magus 20,000,000 101 Malediction 20,000,000 102 Maller 30,000,000 103 Manticore 40,000,000 104 Maulus Navy Issue 20,000,000 105 Megathron 200,000,000 106 Moa 35,000,000 107 Myrmidon 100,000,000 108 Myrmidon Navy Issue 200,000,000 109 Muninn 150,000,000 110 Naga 140,000,000 111 Nemesis 40,000,000 112 Nighthawk 200,000,000 113 Omen 30,000,000 114 Omen Navy Issue 55,000,000 115 Oneiros 100,000,000 116 Onyx 200,000,000 117 Oracle 50,000,000 118 Orthrus 15,000,000 119 Osprey 15,000,000 120 Osprey Navy Issue 20,000,000 121 Phantasm 25,000,000 122 Phobos 200,000,000 123 Pilgrim 100,000,000 124 Pontifex 25,000,000 125 Praxis 100,000,000 126 Prophecy 50,000,000 127 Prophecy Navy Issue 150,000,000 128 Prospect 20,000,000 129 Proteus 200,000,000 130 Purifier 50,000,000 131 Rapier 100,000,000 132 Raptor 20,000,000 133 Raven Navy Issue 200,000,000 134 Republic Fleet Firetail 20,000,000 135 Retribution 40,000,000 136 Rodiva 50,000,000 137 Rokh 200,000,000 138 Rook 100,000,000 139 Rupture 30,000,000 140 Sabre 50,000,000 141 Sacrilege 150,000,000 142 Scalpel 25,000,000 143 Scimitar 100,000,000 144 Scythe 20,000,000 145 Scythe Fleet Issue 55,000,000 146 Sentinel 15,000,000 147 Sleipnir 200,000,000 148 Stabber 30,000,000 149 Stabber Fleet Issue 55,000,000 150 Stiletto 20,000,000 151 Stork 40,000,000 152 Stratios 50,000,000 153 Succubus 50,000,000 154 Sunesis 15,000,000 155 Svipul 50,000,000 156 Talos 50,000,000 157 Talwar 15,000,000 158 Taranis 20,000,000 159 Tengu 200,000,000 160 Thalia 30,000,000 161 Thorax 30,000,000 162 Thrasher 10,000,000 163 Thrasher Fleet Issue 5,000,000 164 Tornado 55,000,000 165 Vagabond 150,000,000 166 Vedmak 50,000,000 167 Vengeance 35,000,000 168 Vexor 30,000,000 169 Vexor Navy Issue 55,000,000 170 Vigil 5,000,000 171 Vigil Fleet Issue 20,000,000 172 Vigilant 15,000,000 173 Vulture 200,000,000 174 Wolf 40,000,000 175 Worm 15,000,000 176 Zealot 150,000,000 177 Prospect - Blops 70,000,000 178 Vexor - Newbee 45,000,000 Edited Friday at 06:53 AM by ERICMU Link to comment
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