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Peoples Liberation Army

PLA WWB2 Querious Record

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在PLA军团使用UED联盟,经历过Querious保卫战之后,The Mittani对PLA军团做出的评价。

Similarly, I want to, I talked about this on the Meta Show, but I want to give a shout out in front of all of you guys too.PLA and Silvitni and his crew with the United Earth Directorate Alt Alliance.That was a project that he initiated. He basically came to us and said, "We're going to have this Alt Alliance and we're going to hold the line in North Quarious."And my reaction was basically, "I don't think you can do this, but if you want to try, good luck, because Northern Quarious is just too far out."And what actually happened was up until just a few days ago, they required an entire legacy form up on a weekend to be able to roll through those IHUBS.And again, Fountain was held a lot longer than expected. North Quarious was held for a lot longer than expected.So credit to the initiative, credit to PLA, Silvitni and the United Earth Directorate. That was really fucking cool. I did not realize they could do that.


同样,我想,我在Meta Show上谈到了这一点,但我也想在你们所有人面前大喊一声。PLA和Silvitni以及他的成员与UED联盟。这是他发起的一个项目。他基本上走到我们面前说:“我们将组建这个马甲联盟,我们将在北Querious坚守阵地。”我的反应基本上是,“我认为你做不到,但如果你想尝试,祝你好运,因为北Querious太远了。”而实际发生的事情直到几天前,他们使整个LEGACY组队用了整整一个周末才将求瑞思的IHUB进行了增强。再说一遍,源泉防守的时间比预期的要长得多。北Querious被关押的时间比预期的要长得多。因此,这要归功于归功于PLA、silvitni和UED联盟的兄弟们。真的太他妈酷了。我没有意识到他们能做到这一点。

Edited by Silvitni
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